Normative social influence
Normative social influence: In social psychology, the term normative social influence is defined as a form of social influence that often leads to conformity. In other words, an individual conforms according to the other members in a particular group or situation to be liked or accepted by the other person. It is being moderated by social support and group size.
Example: Peer pressure.
In the question above, the statement illustrates the power of normative social influence.
1) Understand and accept self - Don't avoid challenging things. Allow yourself to be challenged so you can find out what you can and cannot do. Also, learn to persist through adversity. This means to not give up at the first sign of difficulty. You might be surprised what you can accomplish by not giving up right away.
2) Effective choices - Align yourself with a mentor who is older than yourself. Most young people want to only associate with those of the same age, but people older than you can coach you and teach you in ways that help you to mature. Also, assume more responsibility. Don't always wait to be told to do things but start looking for things to do to help others without being told.
3) Mature relationships - A mature person can put others ahead of themselves, but an immature person is selfish. To develop mature relationships, start thinking of others first. Also, a mentor can help with this as well. Don't only hang around people of your own age. Seek out a friend or mentor who is a little (or a lot) older.
4) Achieve responsibility and independence - Learn to safely drive an automobile. This is a key activity that is a mark of responsibility and independence. You will become independent and responsible by doing this, or you won't be doing it for long. Take care of an animal. Having a pet that depends on you for care, feeding, exercise and friendship is a great way to learn responsibility.
5) Prepare for career - Do your research. The internet is the greatest tool for learning ever invented. There is no excuse for not reading up on the kind of work you think you would like to be doing. Don't wait! Many things that you would like to be doing in the future have youth-versions of that thing that you could start doing now. For example, if you'd like to be an engineer, start tinkering with things to see how they work and build some things you have designed too.
I think that yes, it could be an example of diverting peer pressure.
If your peers are forcing you to smoke, but you don't want to, you could say this and hope that this would be a sufficient answer, it diverts your unwillingness to smoke to your parents, and so the conflict with a peer is also diffused.