B. Shortens
Myofibrils are components of the animal skeletal muscles that are made up of sacromeres. They perform the muscular contraction and relaxation via the sliding filament model.
To produce motion, A cross-bridge forms between actin and the myosin heads triggering shortening of the sacromere. This shortening of the sacromere results in the contraction of the muscle fibers, which the net effect can be seen to be a shortening of the fibers
Blood is a specialized connective tissue. It's extracellular matrix is blood plasma which transports dissolved nutrients,hormones,and carbon dioxide in the form of bicarbonate
The warm air rises and the cooler coastal air moves in to replace it. Since the air is moving from the sea toward the land, this type of breeze is called a sea breeze. At night, the air inland cools down, and sometimes it cools down so much that it is cooler than the coastal air.
The following scientific discoveries might be taught in the future.
- Edible water blobs.
- Helium balloons that travel to space.
- Autonomous cars.
- 3D printing.
- Existence of Dark Matter.
- Sequencing Genome of Cancer Patient.
- Creation of Human Organs.
- Water as Fuel.
- Face Transplants.
- Carpet alarm clocks.
- Hyper-loop.
- Pod taxis.
- GeeFi, a device that offers unlimited wi-fi anywhere in the world.
- Robotic Body Parts.
- T. Rex Tissue.
- Advancement in HIV Cure.