LCD stands for Lowest Common Denominator.
So let's say we have the equation 1/9 * 16/27
We want to find the LCD of both fractions. To find the LCD of both fractions find a the lowest common denominator in both fractions.
In this equation the lowest common denominator is 27 because 9 can go in 27 and 27 can go into itself. Se basically 27 is the lowest possibly common denominator both fractions can get to.
Hope This Helped! Good Luck ;)
There is a problem,in order to solve this u need a cordanite bride for them to go on.
222.51 (when rounded)
Step-by-step explanation:
Pi x r squared is the formula to find the area of a circle
153.94 + 12.57 + 56
= 222.51
You basically find the area of each circle by find their diameters. So half of the length shown on each circle.
64 ivy stems
Step-by-step explanation:
To solve this problem we can use rule of three:
Firstly we had 72 ivy stems to use in 18 centerpieces, and know we have 16 centerpieces and want to know how many ivy stems we need to use, so:
18 centerpieces -> 72 ivy stems
16 centerpieces -> X ivy stems
18/16 = 72/X
X = 16*72/18 = 64
He needs to use now 64 ivy stems to maintain the ratio.