Gently swishing a nonalcoholic mouthwash around the mouth can help loosen tonsil stones and reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth. Having less bacteria can help prevent tonsil stones from forming. Nonalcoholic mouthwash is available in drugstores and online.
PE makes a person more active and energetic. This enhances the overall happiness and well-being of a person.
PE plays an important role as it teaches us how to be active all the time, mindfulness, daily body exercises, stress management etc.
PE is very essential for school students
If you bake your potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil and then leave them to cool down without unwrapping the foil, you are in danger of letting dangerous bacteria grow on them. One of these dangerous pathogens is the Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium that produces toxins and causes botulism. This pathogen thrives in low-oxygen (anaerobic) environments, like the one created in the aluminum foil.
No diagnosis
The 60-year-old man has already been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The symptoms which he is suffering like pain is due to the bony metastasis and side effects caused by the antiandrogenic medications taken to treat his cancer.
Antiandrogenic drugs work against the male hormone testosterone and cause serious side effects like infertility, hot flashes, etc. It also causes osteoporosis and makes the bones weak which leads to pain in the bones and joints.
In the given case, cancer has metastasized to his bones and this factor along with osteoporosis will make his bones and joints weak and painful.
He is also not anxious about the pain and is stoical about it. So the main diagnosis is prostate cancer and the pain is both a symptom and a side effect.