Explanation: The pulmonary air sacs of birds only permit a unidirectional flow of air through the lungs. Unidirectional flow means that air is inhale and exhale through one trachea alternatively. This means the bird lungs only receive largely fresh air which has a high oxygen content during inhalation and do not receive fresh during exhalation. While air flow bidirectional in mammals.
The protons and the neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom.
Atoms are best described as the smallest unit of any matter.
Protons can be described as part of an atom which carries a positive charge. The protons are enclosed in the nucleus of the atom.
The neutron is the part of the atom that carries zero charge. The neutron is also enclosed in the nucleus of the atom.
The electrons can be described as the part of an atom that carries a negative charge. The electrons move around the nucleus in orbits.
The prairies are ecosystems where the grasses, herbs, and shrubs are the dominant vegetation type. It is one of the most intensive crop producing areas with highly valued productive soils. The diet of the people who lived there would be based on corn wheat, rice, soybeans, bean, peas, etc.
On the other hand, people who live on rocky seacost will most likely consume seafood such as mussels and barnacles.
Innate activities are activities that are intrinsic, which means activities that are part of our genetic and physiological being. Examples: desire to feel good, to feel warm, to have no pain,...
For dogs the innate activities are to run, to touch , to play, to go outdoors,...
According to these explanation the following activities seems to be innate for dogs:
B. Submitting to its owner - the dog has connection and life with his owner
Characteristics of Plasmodium
They characteristically show the presence of apical complex.
Apical complex consists of polar rings, rhoptries, micronemes, mitcochondrions, microtubules and microspores
Organs for locomotion
They show slight amoeboid change of form
The parasite in their life cycle shows an alternation of generation accompanied by an alternation of host