After Looking Up This Im Assuming Your Question Meant To Be "Explain the effect of the juxtaposition in the following lines: "ANGUISH. German soldiers- with their steel helmets and their death's-head emblem. Still, our first impressions of the Germans were rather reassuring."
The Germans were initially somewhat "low key" when they first came into the ghetto. Yet, everything about their appearance suggested that they were bringers of death. The people of the ghetto did not want to assume the worst, even when all the evidence was negative.
<em>Laughter can play a helpful role in MANY things, especially medical treatment. The reason it plays such a helpful role is because it makes people feel more happy and tends to take someone's mind off of what is going on around them. Once laughter is applied during a medical treatment, it is done to make someone feel less worried about what could be going on around them or how the treatment may go. This is commonly used by surgeons and kemo-therapy doctors when a patient is worried about what may happen.</em>
<em>Hope this helps.</em>
The used figurative language is METAPHORE.
The answer for that problem is web source i believe