Phylum nematoda is of two class, and these classes are both living freely and share similar habitat.
The class are Chromadorea and Enoplea.
The both live in the Soil, water (marine or fresh) as a host and they also exist as parasitic Roundworms.
The main reason that family and friends are frequent targets of aggression is they are very well known by these people. A lot of people will describe their feelings to anyone they are close to. The only problem with this is that when certain people get mad or upset they could turn on you when you least expect it. So, only tell the people you trust the deepest your problems and these chances of aggression will decrease
The evidences that Charles Darwin used to support his theory are:
fossil records
comparative anatomy
vestigial organs occurence
analogy and homology.
Early diagnosis of childhood cancer is often difficult because the signs and symptoms are SIMILAR TO THOSE OF OTHER CHILDHOOD DISEASES.
Doctors generally find it difficult to diagnosis cancer i children because the accompany symptoms for the disease is quite similar to those of other diseases that children experience. Cancer in children usually occur very rapidly and its diagnosis in most cases typically occur at the late stage.