The FBI is the primary federal agency responsible for investigating allegations regarding violations of federal civil rights statutes. These laws are designed to protect the civil rights of all persons—citizens and non-citizens alike—within U.S. territory.
A Florida Declaration of Domicile.
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Loose constructionism is an ideological position of legal interpretation (especially of the Constitution) by means of which the judges have the power not only to judge compliance with the different laws, but also to interpret the text of the legal provisions of the Constitution, defining its scope and content.
Two arguments in favor of this position are, on the one hand, that the Constitution is not a rigid law but that it is constantly being modified through jurisprudential interpretations, with which it is necessary for judges to be able to interpret its clauses in a lax way; and on the other, that a rigid Constitution would be easily set aside by society, since it would not adapt to changes in circumstances on its part.
Answer: B. A coroner or medical examiner
investigation is required
The correct answer to the given question is A. Pretexting
<em>Pretexting </em>is defined as the practice of presenting yourself as someone else for private information purposes.
A <em>Pretext</em> for doing something or saying something that is not true is a justification (adj: pretextual). In the sense of a deceptive lie, pretexts may be based on a half-truth or created. Pretexts have been used to conceal behind actions and words the true purpose or excuse.