Answer:.What factors may have predisposed Ms. Floyd to dehydration?Her age puts her at risk for dehydration and lack of nutrition. In addition, her lack of fluid intake and profuse vomiting have worsened her status. Metamucil can cause difficulty swallowing which may have impacted her willingness to drink. HTCZ causes severe dehydration. Lastly, metroprolol can result in the side effect of diarrhea, causing further dehydration. 2.What types of fluids should be used to treat Mrs. Floyd’s condition?IV solution saline should help her hydration status, as well as drinking more water. Lastly, isotonic IV fluids can be administered to further increase her hydration.
Experts in trauma and emergency care center call the first hour after serious injury as the most critical in determining chances for survival
You can sprain your wrist from writing for typing too much at the wrong angle.
Menstruation is the process in which the uterus sheds blood and tissue through the vagina. This is natural and healthy in girls and women of reproductive age. Western communities call this a period.