Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses Grant at Appomattox Courthouse after Lee recognized the futility of continued fighting.
The Battle of Appomattox Court House was fought on April 9, 1865, between Union Army forces commanded by general Ulysses S. Grant and Confederate forces led by general Robert E. Lee.
Lee abandoned Richmond, Virginia (the Confederate capital) and moved west, hoping to regroup with other remanining Confederate units in North Carolina. However, Union forces pursued the Lee army and engaged it at Appomattox Court House. Lee charged the Union lines but, as he broke their line, he saw that further Union forces vastly outnumbering the Confederate army were advancing to join the battle. <u>Upon realizing the futility of his situation</u>, general Lee famously declared: "There is nothing left for me to do but to go and see General Grant and I would rather die a thousand deaths".
Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant that same day, which eventually led to a domino effect with other Confederate armies surrendering shortly after. The Civil War formally ended on May 9, 1865.
Gender bias is having prejudice or discrimination based upon someones person's sex, or gender.
She liked to wear brown :)
Many countries around the world took different decisions during wartime. Some have been more brutal and difficult than we could have imagined. But in this situation that the Armenians faced, political events also had an effect. If you really want to get the right answer, you have to turn your perspective to both sides. Because both sides see themselves as justified in this event in history. And indeed, both sides have their faults and their justifications. In 1919, two American diplomats who wanted to investigate the event impartially visited the region. Their names were Emory Niles and Arthur Sutherland, and their view of the region was that both sides were right. Among the statements they wrote, it was written that the Armenians formed gangs against the Turks and plundered the Turkish villages in the region. But they also wrote that "Turkish soldiers were displaying a bad attitude towards Armenian civilians. According to the Turks, the reason for this was that the Armenians caused unrest in the region and took part in gang actions against the Turks. So the soldiers had to take control of the area. But when we look further into the past, we see that Armenians and Turks lived in peace in the empire. Even Armenian representatives took part in the Ottoman parliament in the 19th century. The reason why 2 communities that lived in harmony are so angry with each other is that foreign countries provoke the region to annex the region. We know that in the first world war, Russia wanted to invade the region. We also know that the Russians want to include the Orthodox Armenians in the region among themselves. It would not be difficult to conclude that the Russians formed gangs from the Armenians in the region and provoked them against the Kurdish and Turkish villages in the region. If this is indeed true, we would conclude that both parties are right in their own way.
this is the best answer but there is much more injustice to it