I'm pretty sure that it's "type ll diabetes."
Chất dinh dưỡng đa lượng nào cần thiết cho mọi chức năng của cơ thể?
A. nước
B. chất béo
C. protein
D. cacbohydrat
Vui lòng chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất từ các lựa chọn cho sẵn.
A. nước
All of those are symptoms of heatstroke
For social media views, bad influence, and being forced to do so.
Some teens push the limits when it comes to social media, doing anything for followers and views. Some teens go to school with some not so good kids and they give them a bad influence. Some teens are forced to do things for money or some other thing that they think has value.
Hope this helped you :)
The items that can contribute to heart disease is C. Nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. These are the chemicals that contribute to pollution. Carbon monoxide is the product from a combustion that can affect our respiratory system whenever we inhale this gaseous chemical. And nitrogen oxides can affect and penetrate areas of the body when inhaled in which our respiratory organs may be affected by diseases because of this chemical.