Hay muchas razones, para empezar Windows ha estado desde el año 1995. Tuvo muchas actualizaciones y Microsoft (la compañia que lo creo) los sigue actualizando y agregando nuevas funciones. Ademas de eso, Windows es compatible con casi todos los programas que salen. Esto le ayuda a que el usario pueda usar todos los programas que quiera y aumenta la popularidad del sistema operativo. Microsoft tambien trae pre-instalado Windows en todas sus computadoras personales que vende.
"Select vendor_name as Vendor_Name,
default_account_number as Default_Account_No ,
account_description as Account_Description
From Vendors v, General_Ledger_Accounts ledger
where (add the join condition here)
Order by account_description, vendor_name"
Note: In the above statement, include the alias name appropriately and then execute the query
The "select statement" should contain the list of columns to be displayed
"From statement" should contain the name of the table from which data needs to be fetched.
"Where clause" defines the relationship as well the condition that needs to be executed
"Order by clause" defines the sorting mechanism with the relevant field
In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model, the numbers 0-255 represent the intensities of each color beam
.Each number represents an intensity value is on a scale of 0 to 255, It can be also written in hexadecimal form, from 00 to FF.
RGB values are encoded as 8-bit integers, which range from 0 to 255.
elaborative rehearsal
when it comes to storage of information or data into long term memory then elaborative rehearsal plays an important role.
Elaborative rehearsal is a technique which focuses on thinking about the piece of information or data's meaning which is to be stored in long term memory and linking it with the information or data which is already present or stored.