Apple is to tree as grape is to vine.
Hair = simile
apples = generalization
Whenever your thesis statement is visible at the end of the (introductory) paragraph
Usually your thesis statement is a combination of the introductory paragraph, or basically just re-iterating what your topic will be about. Some schools don't teach thesis statements the same way as others do. If that is the case, make sure your ending is clear and worded precisely. You are transittioning to the next paragraph, so also make sure your sentences flow into the next paragraph. Hope this helped! :)
Wild birds are green, with yellow heads, and black barring across the wings. Their beaks are quite small, and the base of the bill is usually blue. They are just six or seven inches long, and weigh no more than an ounce. These birds have long, pointed tails and wings.
Travelers on Highway 66 today can easily experience this past through the many motels, gas stations, cafés, trading posts, and roadbeds that remain along the highway.
It was sold as "the shortest, best, and most scenic route from Chicago through St. Louis to Los Angeles."
Business owners in small and large towns along the highway looked to Route 66 as an opportunity for attracting new customers to their often rural and isolated communities.
The 3 sentences give factual information while the other 2 sentences that you can select talk about how it is popular or how it is an endangered site, not about factual information on Route 66