A.Human analysis, documents
Predictive coding in softwares is artificial intelligence that works by automating document review. This involves training software with data from "subset of documents" to be generally applied(apply same logic) to a larger group of documents. This is employed by a large group of technologists to ease the task of manually reviewing a huge set of documents.
The multiplier effect is the economical process that basically increase the final and national income disproportionately which results in the greater consumption as compared to the amount of the initial spend.
In other words we can define as the capital implantation, regardless of whether it is in the legislative or corporate level, ought to have snowball impact in the monetary action.
It can be prevent by many ways by increasing the reserve ratio in the economical sector and by also increasing the taxes.
What is Robotics?
Robotics is the branch of technology that deal with the design, construction, operation and application of robots as well as computer system for there control, sensory feed back, and information processing. the design of given robotic system often contain principle of mechanical or electronic engineering and computer science. The word robotic was first used in 1941 by the writer Isaac Asimov.
Branches of robotics:
Artificial intelligence: The developing of an intelligence of machine and is a branch of computer science.
Nano Robotics : the field of creating machines that are at a scale of a nano meter.
Tele-presence: The study given to an illusion of being at a place without being there physically.
Robot Locomotion: The study of method that Robots used to transport them selves from place to another.
Robots have long captured the human imagination but despite many advances robots have yet to reach the potential so often envisioned in science fiction today engineers and computer scientist are still pursuing one missing ingredient high intelligence it would be nice for example: if robots possessed the intelligent needed to cope with uncertainty, learn from experience and work as team.
Intelligent robots will be one of the engineering achievement of 21 century said Junku Yuh, how leads the robotics program in the national science foundation computers and information science and engineering directorate "we will see them more and more in our daily life".
What do you mean what are we supposed to finish