There are 260 calories in the whole can.
to get this you multiply the calories in one serving by the amount of total servings, in this case 2.
In the problem with the white circle, x=100, in the problem with the blue circle, x might equal 165, but I'm not entirely certain. But I am certain about the first one.
do you need an explanation?
In AAA (Angle-Angle-Angle), triangles do not have the same size and only have 3 pairs of congruent angles.
In SSS (Side-Side-Side), if the three sides of one triangle are equal to the three sides of another triangle, the triangles are congruent.
Step-by-step explanation:
A proportional relationship is represented by linear function with its linear parameter "b" equal to zero. Since b is equal to zero, the line passes through the origin and the function/relation is proportional.
To verify that we divide the y coordinate over the x coordinate we obtain a constant called k, which is the slope.
For instance:

According to this function we can easily check a proportional relationship among its points: