answer is in the image below.
Fraternal twins can be different genders because they are two completely different eggs getting fertilized; but even two same gender fraternal twins do not look completely alike. Whereas for identical twins since one egg is splitting into two, the two cells have the same exact DNA make up and chromosomes.
I also believe the technical part of it is to do with genetics, like ressesive and dominant genes, because they can be the same gender, ex. both girls and one has blue eyes, fair skin, and blonde hair, the other twin has brown eyes, black hair and tan skin. The parents could be part of the genes but there is also grandparents maybe the mom's mom has blonde hair and blue eyes, with fair skin. But the dad he has brown eyes, black hair and tan skin. The moms genes were recessive, but the grandma's genes were dominant.
I tried to explain it as best as I could I hope it helps!
Nitrogen is very important element to all living organisms. Producers which comprises of plants have nitrogen fixing bacteria which helps in its growth.
Consumers, Decomposers and Dentrivores need nitrogen for their growth, through the building up of protein and also for DNA metabolism which helps in reproduction.
The synthesis of diphenylacetylene from mesostilbene dibromide includes next reactions:
• Bromination of stilbene-it is the reaction of electrophilic adition and bromonium ion is formed as intermedier (meso compound is the product).
• Bimolecular elimination-strong base is used in this reaction (takes away the H) and pi bond is formed.
Describe how cancers grow.