a blocked artery leaking or bursting of a blood vessel
Muscular strength
They help you with your biceps, deltoids, and calf workout.
Answer: Physical Health: the condition of your body, taking into consideration everything from the absence of disease to fitness level.
Mental Health: a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.
Emotional Health: When you are in control of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Social Health: your ability to form meaningful relationships with other people and interact in healthy, positive ways.
Environmental Health: the issues dealt with by the Environmental Health Department of a local authority, such as prevention of the spread of communicable diseases, food safety and hygiene, control of infestation by insects or rodents, etc.
Spiritual Health: includes a purposeful life, transcendence and actualization of different dimensions and capacities of human beings.
It depends some ways you can I protect your family isSecure your premises. ...
Keep a low profile at home and online. ...
Communicate with your family. ...
Use social media wisely. ...
Avoid identity theft. ...
Protect Your Finances. ...
Plan for your future.
I don’t know actually it’s hard