She will feel pain in back which will spread around abdomen. It will then increase in frequency and intensity. She will see pinkish blood and mucus on her underwear and
clear fluid. When it comes to labor contractions, they usually begin in the back and expend through the abdomen. Cervical capillaries secrete blood as a result of pressure from the fetus. Leaking colostrum from the nipples will occur through the pregnancy. It’s not rare that a woman notices urinary incontinence.
Gail has been experiencing a burning sensation in her stomach for the last few months.This symptom is most significant information to ask her if she has frequently been using Aspirin or products containing aspirin. Gail´s heartburn can be caused by Aspirin which is known to stress the lining of the stomach.
Thyroid storm is a manifestation caused by excess thyroid hormones. Some of its symptoms are: weight loss, asthenia, anxiety, heat intolerance, palpitations, tremor, sweating, increased intestinal transit, dysnea, nervousness, among others.
the symptoms of the illness or major health threatning
Hanoi jjdndjd hajhx 17 yrs old