A large depression formed by the collapse of a volcanic cone is called a caldera
Actually, The reaction is chemical and endothermic. Chemicals A and B form an endothermic reaction, and chemicals C and D form an exothermic reaction. Therefore, chemical reaction, a process in which one or more substances, the reactants, are converted to one or more different substances, the products. Substances are either chemical elements or compounds. A chemical reaction rearranges the constituent atoms of the reactants to create different substances as products.
a. Because it offers the greatest improvement in environmental conditions, sufficient to match the damage caused by CEP, for the least expense.
The businesses are required to restore the land to their original condition once they are with their business activities. The business operations often causes damage to the site and nearby land, for this reason restoration is mandatory in many countries. Vancouver Fraser Port Authority selects Maplewood Flats for the restoration activity because it offers the restoration at cheap cost. This will save company's cost and the land will be to its original condition with least possible damage to environment.
Answer is option A.
Orchid bees are to Brazil nut trees as breezes are to pine trees.
In Brazil nut trees, the female orchid bees act as pollinators that help in pollination. In pine trees, wind or breeze helps in pollination.
Pine trees are gymnosperms and so they do not have flowers to attract pollinators like bees or butterflies or birds. They are wind-pollinated. Pine trees are monoecious i.e., both male and female reproductive structures (pine cones) are present on the same tree.
The male cones (catkins) produce pollen grains that are lightweight, less sticky and have air bladders or small wing-like structures. As a result of these features, the pollen grains can be easily carried and dispersed by the breeze. In order to prevent self pollination (pollen falling on the female cones of the same tree), the male cones are normally located on the lower branches of the pine tree.
The female cones are located on the upper branches of the tree and the center of the cone contains eggs or ovules. The pollen grains that are carried by the wind, fall on the female cone of another pine tree. Each pollen grain grows a pollen tube into the center of the cone and the nucleus cell of the pollen travels through the tube and reaches the egg, where it combines with the egg to form an embryo. The embryo eventually grows into a seed. The seeds of pine trees are then dispersed by wind or animals such as squirrels.