People can communicate with other people across the globe, families and friends can keep in touch even when they aren’t together, talent can be recognized, which can give someone who works hard on something a career (like a good artist or singer) and it also can make people feel good by seeing something positive like a video of a puppy’s first birthday, that they wouldn’t have seen without it
Listens to both parties and comes to a decision both of them will agree on.
It is a binding process, which means the parties won't have to proceed to court. The arbitrator is generally a retired judge but it is typical for both parties to choose an arbitrator and then both of those arbitrators choose a third arbitrator.
Every decision is made through a majority vote.
My dear reader, the rule of law is not a respecter of person or group of persons. Every soul and institutions is equal before the law. Hence, no one is above the law. In any criminal trial, the onus of proving the guilt against an accused person arraigned before a court of law beyond reasonable doubt rest squarely on the prosecution unless, in some special cases when the prosecution closes its case having called witnesses to testify against an accused person.