A. Vote to impeach a government official, I believe.
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Meriwether Lewis and William Clark helped open the American frontier to settlement by exploring the regions further out west. They mapped these territories and found accessible routes, so that Americans could move further out west and settle the land before the Europeans could claim it. There was also a smaller objective of studying the science and possible economic qualities.
<em>Cognitive Perspective</em>
The cognitive perspective <em>is about understanding and comprehension. Mental processes including memory, vision, thinking, and. Problem solving, and how behaviors could contribute to them. </em>
<em>Throughout cognitive learning theory, the repeated stimulus-response pairing and several validated assessments of behavioral learning theory are paralleled by notions of repetitive presentation, rehearsal and analysis.</em>
Ebbinghaus (1913) stated that regular repetitions were required so that both:
- <em>(a) content could be replicated from memory and </em>
- <em>(b) content could not be forgotten after learning:</em>