Happiness is: activity of the soul in accordance with virtue. This is what around 1095b20, Aristotle states what the many think about happiness in the nicomachean ethics. It is obvious.
There are several component of his definition of happiness-
(a) that it is desired for itself,
(b) not desired for anything else,
(c) it satisfies all desire and has no evil in it, and
(d) it is stable
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. He was taught by Plato. He wrote the Nicomachean Ethics.
To learn more about Aristotle here
The airfield was closed in the early 1970's, but in 1996, Arnie Migliaccio proposed an idea to the National Park Service to make the neglected airfield a place to display restored aircraft. The project became known as HARP, and volunteers known as "angels" worked to help meet the project's goals.
<span>Made the Cabinet within the Executive Branch by assigning Thomas
Jefferson Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury,
a figure that was not drawn within the Constitution.
Maintained innovative fiscal ideas for instance the Bank of America
and a national liability , which would be later accepted
Presented a policy of neutrality relating to foreign wars that was shadowed
up until WWI
Set the pattern for a two term limit of Presidents that was monitored
until Franklin Delano Roosevelt and then twisted into the 22nd
Amendment to the Constitution
Recognized relations with Great Britain with Jay’s Treaty. To this
day England rests one of our neighboring and toughest partners
Recognized the custom of a Presidential farewell speech