Inhaling particles from a wildfire can cause respiratory irritation, shortness of breath, asthma, and lead to long-term problems such as heart disease. If carbon monoxide is in the air, it can be fatal.
There are several ways to do this:
- Social media
- Word of mouth to friends, family, relatives
- Newspaper ads
- Events section in magazines/newspapers
So they grow up to be how they were raised
Although peer pressure can influence adolescents’ alcohol use, individual susceptibility to these pressures varies across individuals. The dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4<span>) is a potential candidate gene that may influence adolescents’ susceptibility to their peer environment due to the role dopamine plays in reward sensation during social interaction. We hypothesized that </span>DRD4<span> genotype status would moderate the impact of 7th-grade antisocial peer pressure on 12th-grade lifetime alcohol use (</span>n<span> = 414; 58.7 % female; 92.8 % White). The results revealed significant main effects for antisocial peer pressure, but no main effects for</span>DRD4<span> genotype on lifetime alcohol use. Adolescent </span>DRD4<span> genotype moderated the association between peer pressure and lifetime alcohol use. For individuals who carried at least one copy of the </span>DRD4<span> 7-repeat allele (7+), antisocial peer pressure was associated with increased lifetime alcohol use. These findings indicate that genetic sensitivity to peer pressure confers increased alcohol use in late adolescence.</span>