To find 4/5 of 20.5 the first step is to convert 4/5 into a decimal. You can do that by dividing 4 by 5.
4/5 is .8 so your equation would now be .8 of 20.5
"of" states that you are multiplying, so .8 times 20.5 is 16.4
4/5 of 20.5 is 16.4
I hope this helps you
Step-by-step explanation:
Find the vanilla first by dividing 420 by 7 and multiplying the quotient by 2 to get 120.
Then find the banana using the equation 35/100 = x/420, cross multiply to get 147.
Add 120 and 147 to get 267.
Subtract 267 from 420 to get 153.
Divide 153 by 9 to get 17.
Get the number of lemon cakes by multiplying 17 by 4.
The number of lemon cakes is 68!
(and chocolate cakes is 85)
Well, all we have to do is add, so:
6 + (-47) =
6 - 47 =
Can you post the picture or the wall shape?