This flow of energy is an example of food web or food chain of the marine ecosystem.
The energy flow in an ecosystem in the form of food from one organism to other is food chain. It comprises mainly of three types of organisms producers or autotrophs, consumers or heterotrophs and decomposers. The energy flow in food chain or food web is unidirectional from plants which are the primary producers to primary consumers or herbivores, then to secondary consumers or carnivores and finally to the decomposers. On its unidirectional flow the energy is lost in different form such as heat loss, decay, respiration etc. The energy passed from one level to another is not the same and gets lost in the process so when the energy is received from one tropic level to another it is always less than that received by the previous tropic level.
The key difference between microspore and pollen grain is that microspore is the small spore that develops into the male gametophyte in plants while pollen grain is the small grain that contains the male gametophyte.
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Answer: A segment of dna/chromosome containing the instructions for building a protein which will result in a trait is called a GENE.
CHROMOSOMES are made up of two threads called chromatids joined at a point called the centromere.
In the chemical nature of chromosomes, each is made up of a protein framework which has a long molecule of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) coiled round it. A segment of DNA containing the instructions for building a protein which will result in a trait is called a GENE.
The GENES in the cell of a diploid organism contain all the necessary instructions for building up the organism.These instructions are written on a molecular scale.. Most genes contain information to direct the synthesis of specific proteins. Each such protein takes part in the development of a particular character.
A protein is made up of one or more chains of amino acids known as polypeptides. The sequence of bases in a DNA molecule determines the type of amino acid and the sequence in which they are arranged in a polypeptide chain.
A gene therefore is a sequence of triplets of the four bases which specifies the structure of a protein