It is possible to convert a fraction to a decimal in mathematics. First, -3/11 is a fraction. To convert a fraction which is -3/11, divide 3 by 11 which you get .272727... and you get the idea. The '27' repeats. Therefore, the answer would be -.27 with a <span>Vinculum symbol which is a horizontal line above the number to indicate its repeating. Also, don't forget to put a negative sign!</span>
The whole wall area including the window is 150 ft squared (15 ft x 10 ft). The window is 50 square feet (5 x 10). Take the whole area and subtract the window area and you have 100 sq ft thats paintable. One can is 50 sq ft so 100/50 is 2 cans of paint needed. Your answer is H.
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12c - 53= 91
Answer: A compound event is an event that has more than one possible outcomes.
Example: Outcome of rolling a 6 since the dice is 6 sided. 1/6 is the probability .
The center is 3
The peak is 5
The spread is from 1 to 5.
There were 14 commercial breaks.
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