The bandwagon fallacy is in the insistence that good cities are good because they have rail.
The bandwagon fallacy is where the causation of something is confused as an effect.<u> It is the argument that because all the great cities of the country have light rail, our city too should have the same light rail system to be as good as them.</u>
This argument falls apart because the rail will not curb the problems that the passage itself talks about and then willfully ignores. I<u>n fact, bringing the rail to town will actually aggravate some of the issues mentioned here</u>. Which is why the argument becomes more weak.
The second thing you should do when writing a summary is read, think about, and understand the text. Review the material to make sure you know it well.
The sentence that has an error in subject-verb agreement is:
His discoveries was a combination of luck and hard work.
When we say a subject and a verb have to agree, we mean the verb must be inflected in accordance to the subject. If the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb is also plural. The verb "to be", especially, is quite an irregular verb, and requires due attention.
Having that in mind, we can say the sentence that contains an error is "His discoveries was a combination of luck and hard work." The noun "discoveries" is the main word of the subject, and it is plural. However, the verb "was" (past form of the verb "to be") can only be used for singular subjects. For the sentence to be correct, it should be:
His discoveries were a combination of luck and hard work.
In "The Soul Selects her own Society", Dickinson's childhood can be categorized as (A) exclusionary.
The narrator speaks about only letting one individual into her soul and shutting out everybody else. She points out that she won't even let in the loftiest individuals if it does not suit her.
Also, I wanted to tell you that I plan to run for Class President.
After the also :)