Hey Litz06,
Sorry that happened to you.
Try changing your password to something complicated so it’s more secure.
Number 2 is the correct answer
ATM card and the pin number, the status of the bank account and the total of the purchase and the account and method of payment.
The POS or point of service is a device that allows the purchase of product from a commercial store to be done wirelessly and cashless.
It promotes The cashless policy to reduce the circulating physical currency. The POS electromagnetic wave to wirelessly access bank database to retrieve bank account information.
It takes in the smart card, and with the command, retrieves the bank account information addressed on the card. The cashier types the total price of purchased product and it is automatically minus and updated on the account database. Then the invoice of the transaction is issued to the customer.
Geographers can map for example the topography of the earth's surface using aerial photographs taken from a plane flying on regular flight paths at known altitudes. A topographic map with regular contour intervals and also showing infrastructure like roads and buildings can be created from this. Also, the LIDAR system can show features not observable on the ground by 'seeing' into the subsurface and detecting buried escarpments, trenches etc.
Well it depends what kind of Internet u have