Famous experiments that changed the world include:
Pavlov's experiments.
The double slit experiment.
The golden ray experiment.
Pavlov's experiments are the groundwork of much of the work that is done in the modern day in the field of psychology.
It is based on the concepts of classical conditioning and how stimuli and response makes our response behaviors work.
The double slit experiment is also one of the fundamental experiments that opened up the field of quantum physics.
The experiment was done to deflect and dissect beams of light through microscopic slits.
The golden ray experiment is responsible for the foundation of the structure of atom and how it was discovered.
A ray of light was made to fall on a gold foil and then its trajectory was noted as the form of the experiment.
The books ‘Again Again’ by: E. Lockhart, and ‘Breathless’ by: Jennifer Niven. The books share the them of Romance.
Answer and Explanation:
The size of the Atlantic slave trade dramatically transformed African societies. The slave trade brought about a negative impact on African societies and led to the long-term impoverishment of West Africa. This intensified effects that were already present amongst its rulers, kinships, kingdoms and in society.
was controlled for in Study 1 using self-report measures.
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