While wellness does encompass physical health, it is a ... These dimensions include social, environmental, ... aiming for wellness within each dimension will help you feel
They could make a matrial that wolnt rust, and that will not wear down/ break
This is a very tricky question as you can get a lot of answers that will be partially correct.
The best answer in my oppinion is between the range of 7 minutes to around 15 minutes.
The reason why saying just one value isn'the best idea is because, if we have two groups of people, the average for the first group might be 7 minutes, and the average for the second group might be 11 minutes. So it's hard to say the average is 7 minutes. It's better presented in an interval where we can find this number :)
It could affect the way we face certain problems. It can also affect the way we perceive different problems.