True- Most bystanders are not sure how to assess the situation properly and reach the conclusion of administering CPR, or they aren't trained in how to do it. There are also other reasons
You can not completely prevent accidents anywhere. You can take certain precautions to HELP prevent them, but you can't completely eliminate them ever
B.J has: b. Autism.
Autism is a diagnose that includes specific characteristics that affects a person in different areas, mostly social interaction. The stages of develpment are compromised, like for instance lenguage wich is one of the most important areas.
One of the most importans signs to consider autism, is the impossibility to make eye contact, as well as the abscense of lenguaje. There is also a reduce intrest in the world, or the objects around him, people with autism also have few specific intrests . Autism is also characterized by long periods of absence or dangle, this is because autism is a form of encapsulation.