D-Constitutional Convention
Option B, D
As a result of the Great Leap Forward, there was a power shift in favor of conservative Communist leaders and industrial production decreased.
The Great Leap Forward was Mao’s endeavor to modernize China’s prosperity, China ought earnings that approached America. It was noticeable that the Great Leap Forward had been a breakdown and despite Mao declared this.
He summoned on the Communist Party to carry him to responsibility for his defeats but also directed his crowd fragments to seem at themselves and their accomplishment. In portions of China, deprivation befell and some sections of China were hooked by floods this commenced to decrease production.
The First President of Nigeria was Dr. Nnamdi Azikewe.
Bottled water consumption reported to be 29 gallons per person
Considering it to be weekly
And 1 gallon is equivalent to 3.78 Liter
So 29 gallons is 109.77 Liter
1 Bottle is of 0.5 L
So 109.77 water is stored by

So 220 Bottle is used by a person in a week