They pledged mutual allegiance
Answer:In the next 50 years, Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan and Henry Ford became engines of capitalism, building transportation, oil, steel, financial industry, and automobile manufacturing in a way that changed the world, and making the United States a world
The phrase "bourgeois revolution" has been used in Karl marx to describe a socialist revolution that strives to abolish the aristocracy or its remnants, reestablish bourgeois rule, and build a bourgeois province.
The term "bourgeoisie" denoted a socioeconomic status dedicated to economic individualism and sensuality, as well as supporting the capitalist ruling class types radical commercial interests.
GDP declines, and unemployment rates rise because companies lay off workers to reduce costs. At the microeconomic level, firms experience declining margins during a recession. When revenue, whether from sales or investment, declines, firms look to cut their least-efficient activities.
By taxing the American colonists