interferes with release of neural transmitter GABA
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, meaning it slows down brain functioning and neural activity. Alcohol does this by enhancing the effects of the neural transmitter GABA
depressants essentially "look" like the neural transmitter and so they go in and block the plasce in the brain between synapses, so when the body tries to release GABA, it appears as if it is already filled in, but in reality it is the alcohol that has filled it. once they start buidling up, they block enough that it impairs brain activity
The plant starts life as a seed, which germinates and grows into a plant. The mature plant produces flowers, which are fertilised and produce seeds in a fruit or seedpod. The plant eventually dies, leaving seeds which germinate to produce new plants.
The "Jaws of Life" is a crucial tool to fire and rescue squads to save hundreds of lives every year. ... The “Jaws of Life” is used indeterminately for pretty much any type of heavy-duty tool that acts like a pair of scissors, cutter, spreader, or ram-device aimed at slicing and dicing through most automotive metals.
<span>Electron carrier Molecules. Both NAH and FADH are molecules that are specifically designed to transport electrons in chemistry. This is a very important function because it provides energy for the necessary chemical reactions to take place</span>