The integumentary system is the skin. You have erector pilli muscles, blood vessels and nerves all within the skin. But not bone
Foods rich in calcium are dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. Other foods include almonds, dark leafy greens, seeds like poppy, sesame, celery and chia, beans and lentils and sardines. All these foods are good for the bones and will help decrease the risk of developing osteoporosis.
Crunches or sit ups are good methods to strengthen the abdominal muscles
Put pressure directly on an outer wound with a sterile bandage, clean cloth, or even a piece of clothing. If nothing else is available, use your hand. Direct pressure is best for external bleeding, except for an eye injury. Maintain pressure until the bleeding stops.
The diathesis-stress model (Zuckerman, 1999) integrates biological and psychosocial factors to predict the likelihood of a disorder.