<span>Ensure that at </span>least one<span> writable </span>DC<span> must be running </span>Windows Server 2008<span> or higher before you can deploy a Read-Only-Domain-Controller.</span>
1)<u> </u><u>An opening conference. The opening conference is a brief meeting during which the OSHA inspector will explain the purpose of the inspection.</u>
2) <u>A worksite “walkaround” The walkaround is the actual inspection.</u>
3) <u>A closing conference.</u>
Distract the audience from the real code by pretending to use silly faces, gestures, or different ways of asking the question as a code. Do the trick two or three times, then stop so the audience doesn't guess your secret. You can also talk to your assistant again and come up with a different code for next time.
The complete method is as follows:
public List buildList(List L)
return L;
To complete the method, we make use of the insert() function.
This inserts elements of the list into list L. However, we have to start from the last element (i.e. in descending order)
So, the explanation is as follows:
L.insert(30); --- This inserts the last element
Continue inserting in descending order
<em> L.insert(23); </em>
<em> L.insert(19);
Until the first list element is inserted
This returns the filled list L
return L;