A: Trips take people who take Travel Sac
E: Searched up travel proverbs and twisted one
A: Travel Sac travels with you
E: Used repetition
A: Travel like you mean it
E: It popped into my head. Travel Sac seems like a pretty serious bag so
A: Travel anytime, anywhere, anyhow
E: Modified an existing slogan
A: Carry the need to travel
E: I have no idea. Like need for speed but need to travel.
A: Fulfill the need to travel
E: modified from the above.
I did more so you can choose since they aren't great.
(This was kind of fun I don't know. No it was a bit painfully difficult and cringey.)
By the way you misspelled traveler as "traverler" in the last blurb.
A. although the party is rowdy and most people are drunk, Gatsbg is reserved and never drinks alchohol.
I choose the third one. It’s the only one that makes sense to me.
Try a job that compare to what you like to do like I like to write so I would choose a job were I can write books etc. I would choose it because it’s something I like to do and it would give me expired to see if this jobs is something I want to do for a living.