The trail of tears was a part of the removal of native cherokee indians from their territories east of the mississippi to western territiories such as oklahoma.
He thought he should extend his borders because he wanted us to have benefits of our democratic government,that should be extended over distant regions which was selected for homes
If you want honesty, one example where I affected the wellbeing of a child is where I trucked one (IT WAS AN ACCIDENT) going down a ski slope.
La investigación social permite nuevos conocimientos o estudia una situación social para diagnosticar necesidades y problemas con el propósito de aplicar los conocimientos con fines prácticos de todos los tiempos (investigación aplicada).
In the summer season, Earth’s northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and in winter season the northern hemisphere is away from the sun. The tilt actually causes a lot of difference in the amount of sunlight received by the earth and since the sunlight is the main cause of the weather change that leads to different seasons.