The gastrointestinal tract comprises of Mouth-Esophagus-Stomach-Small intestine-Colon-Rectum.
Liver, pancreas and gallbladder are solid organs of digestive system.
Digestion is the process involved in the conversion of large complex food molecules into smaller nutrients that can be used by body cells for survival and carry out their function. The digestive system comprises of various subsequent organs that digest the food.
- Digestion starts in mouth where salivary glands digest the carbohydrates.
- The food moves from mouth to stomach through alimentary canal known as esophagus. It includes peristalsis movements.
- The stomach mixes the food with digestive juices and move the chyme to small intestine.
- The small intestine mixes the food with juices secreted from pancreas, liver and intestine and pass it to large intestine.
- The large intestine digest the water content from indigested food and pass the reamining to rectum.
- The rectum store the undigested food and excrete it through anus.
The rift valley formed when the crust pulled apart.
The statement that best describes how the Great Rift Valley in Africa formed is that they formed when the crust pulled apart.
- This is geologically known as divergence.
- The Arabian plate and the Nubian/Somali plate are divergent plates.
- They are currently moving apart and away from each other.
- This creates a crack on the earth which is what formed the rift valley in Africa.
- Along such margins, earthquake activities are prominent.