Option A. It is produced in vitro
The technique of DNA vaccine involves transfer of genetically engineered or modified form of DNA into body directly with the help of injection. The DNA codes for protein, that protein is antigen and thus provides immunity.
The DNA vaccine can be produced at a low cost and easy to purify. The DNA vaccines are produced in-vivo not in-vitro, so Option A is not a characteristic of DNA Vaccine.
Answer: Kira has difficulty in walking in smooth coordinated manner because she has suffered injury to the cerebellum.
Cerebellum is a part of the brain situated inferior to cerbrum and posterior to pons. It receives sensory information and converts it into motor responses. Motor coordination is when subsequent parts of the same movement, or the movements of several limbs or body parts are combined in a manner that is well timed, smooth, and efficient. Cerebellum coordinates voluntary motor movements resulting in smooth coordinated muscular activities. Injury to cerebellum causes its loss of function which in return causes
1) loss of coordinated movements
2) inability to perform alternate rapid movements
3) movement tremors
4) staggering wide based gait
What is AAs even stand for?
I can help you if u can tell me what is AAs stand for
So the breakdown of lipids actually starts in the mouth. Your saliva has this little enzyme called lingual lipase, which breaks down these fats into something called diglycerides. These diglycyerides then make there way to the intestines, where they stimulate the pancreas to release lipase (another fat breaking enzyme!) and the pancreas to release bile. The bile and pancreatic juices both work together to break these diglycerides into fatty acids. It’s helpful to know some of the root words. Glycerol- the framework to which the fatty acids stick. Glyceride- think of this guy as several fatty acids stuck to a glycerol. Lipids- think fats, and their derivatives (our glyceride friends.) tri/di/mono- these are just number prefixes! Lipids are one glycerol molecule, and then either one, two, or three fatty acids attached, which is where you get mono(1)/di(2)/tri(3)glyceride from. I know this was long, but hopefully it helps!
The photoreceptors would be your eyes, chemoreceptors skin, olfactory for nose and mechanoreceptors for obviously tongue hope this helps.