Biodiversity is variety of life. Bio means life and diversity means change, different forms of life. The world constitute different species of plants and animals. Have a nice day!
Viruses need to be inside a living thing (of course the living thing has to have the right temperature which most living things do) . When they're inside a living thing they start injecting the host's cells with its DNA in order to make more copies of itself which allows the virus to spread. So basically viruses need to be inside something living.
The defecation reflex involves two postive feedback loops. these loops are the stretch receptors in the rectal walls and the sacral parasympathetic system. Defecation reflex empties the rectum by peristaltic movements push fecal matter from the sigmoid colon into the rectum. Then this distension of the rectal walls stimulates stretch receptors which results in defecation.
14 is the correct answer. The reason being 28 divided between two parents is 14!