Antibiotics are usually derived from bacteria.
The heart is a vital organ, and its functioning is essential to life.
All your other organs may fail, and you will still be alive. Even if your brain stops working, and your heart is healthy, you will be alive in the vegetative state where you won't be conscious at all. However, once your heart stops working, you die, which means it is the most important organ in your body.
gas, liquid, solid
I could also list 12 other states of matter if you're interested
Great relationship.
There is a great relationship between the structure and functions of animal cells because the structure of cells helps the cell to perform a particular function assign to it. The cells in epithelial tissue are tightly packed together with a very little intercellular matrix. intercellular matrix is a non-living material used to fill the spaces between the cell. Due to this structure, the epithelial tissue forms the covering of all body and helps in protecting the skin.