My mother, whom I love dearly, came to my show and cheered for me.
People look up to celebrities and will usually copy what they do.
This is due to the fact that people will copy those who they look up to, remember the saying "Like father, like son"? It's sorta like that.
1.Relate to what I already know, Generate quality questions I want to learn about, Narrow my topic, and Use questions to guide my research
2.Find information to answer questions from multiple resources, Draw conclusions about questions, and Organize information according to category
3.Evaluate information for reliability and credibility and Compare multiple sources
4.Apply new learning to create a product, Organize the information for the audience, and Present or share the product with an audience
5.Provide a list of sources used and Use a reference tool for formatting
Homograph, which is Greek for "same writing," indicates that words look the same. ... Check out these homograph examples that have two different meanings.