The factories also were unsanitary, or as a young striker explained, “unsanitary—that's the word that is generally used, but there ought to be a worse one used.” At the Triangle factory, women had to leave the building to use the bathroom, so management began locking the steel exit doors to prevent the “interruption of ...
When the fire broke out, the workers had trouble escaping because the fire exits had been locked by the owners, who feared the workers might steal cloth.
Self-Help was the first book by reformist Scottish journalist Samuel Smiles. In it, he proposes knowledge as one of the highest human enjoyments and education as the somewhat erratic road along which knowledge is acquired.
ofc to help
Looks like B.) Exports by the options given.
Quotas, tariffs, and subsidies are all things that tie into exporting items into different countries.
The mafia established more power with organizational crime on the rise