Answer: In the brain, alcohol affects neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that either increase or decrease brain activity through electrical impulses. (this is what increases)
In the brain, alcohol affects neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that either increase or decrease brain activity through electrical impulses. (this is what decreases)
Explanation: Hopefully this helps u with what ever u are doing.
Just shake your hand randomly. ive done this b4 and its worked.
Shawntae procrastinated which led her to not to do her work. She now only has a few hours before the party, and is stressed about not finishing her work on time.
Well medical marijuana isn't bad, it helps cancer patients, but street marijuana should not be legalized because now and days people lace it with other drug substances and it kills quicker, Some mistake it for spice and spice can cause death. Weed isn't something you can trust anymore. Like people say marijuana is a gate way drug, First it's weed, then that just doesn't help anymore, so people go to the uppers Acid, Shrooms, Meth, Heroine and other drugs. I've experimented and trust me it's not a chance you want to take. It's like life or death.