Divergent-Seafloor spreading can occur at Divergent Boundaries. Tectonic plates will slowly move away from the other, the heat from the mantles convection current will crust the plastic making it much way less dense and the less dense material will rise up and will often form a mountain or elevated area of the seafloor.
The answer should be Tidal Lock (A), because this is when the event of the orbital position of an object (Earth) is matching the same rotation period as the other object (Moon). When these rotations are the same, the moon will always be facing the same direction as the Earth. I believe you made a typo because Tidal Rock is not even considered to be a term in science. It is not a Solar Tide (that isn't even concerned with the moon facing the Earth), magnetosphere isn't even related to the moon but its magnetic field, and a tidal "bulge" is the complete opposite and has the moon facing the completely opposite direction. Found this helpful? Give it a Brainiest award.
Mitosis provides two diploids (2n) somatic cells that are genetically indistinguishable from each other and the primary parent cell, whereas meiosis creates four haploids (n) gametes that are genetically individual from each other and the original parent (germ) cell.