Literary Devices A Literary Device is a technique that shapes narrative to produce an effect on the reader. 3. PLOT DEVICE - A plot device is an object, a character or a concept introduced into the story by the author to advance its plot. A Plot Twist is any unexpected turn of the story that gives a new view on its entire topic.
My eyes filling with tear
They are probably the most important document in understanding history. Without writing we would have a difficult time understanding archeological data. Also journals give great detail about wars and other major conflicts that would otherwise be unknown to historians.
Dreams and dreams deferred are the central themes in the play. Each character has a dream of their own and in some way, each of their dreams conflicts with someone else's dream. Mama has a dream to move her family into a bigger home.
A subordinate clause is part of a sentence that would <u>not</u> make sense on its own. For example
The cat was tired, <u>as he always ran around the field</u>
The part in bold is the main clause
and the part underlined is the subordinate clause