Computer checkup/maintenance. You forgot to mention windows updates, it is critical to perform that action as well cause of the recent ransomeware malware that is going around lately and Microsoft and other OS vendors yes even Apple have released patches to prevent it spreading even further.
The router NAT configuration has an incorrect inside local address.
The term Inside in a <em>Network Address Translation (NAT) </em>context refers to networks owned by an organisation that must be translated. When NAT is configured, hosts within this network have addresses in one space (known as the local address space). These hosts appear to those users outside the network as being in another space (known as the global address space).
The term Outside refers to those networks to which the stub network connects, and which are not under the control of an organisation. Also, hosts in outside networks can be subject to translation, and can thus have local and global addresses
The answer is Jointly.
<span>No hardware and software cannot work without each other.
<span>without a monitor, how can u install a software?</span>
Class C. <span>Class C </span>fires<span> are contained using Carbon Dioxide (CO2) </span>fire extinguishers<span> and Dry Chemical </span>fire extinguishers<span>. Sensitive electrical sources or electrical equipment such as </span>computers<span>, T.V's, or wireless devices affected by </span>fire<span> may have residue left once the </span>fire<span> has been deterred.</span>