Formulas are mathematical laws that help us solve problems.
Decimals are a type of number; graphs are displays of data; percentages are comparisons of a number to 100; and fractions are a type of number.
Hey there!
When we multiply fractions and whole numbers, we simply take that whole number and put it over them, and just multiply across. That gives us:
Notice how it's four, because when we have a fraction, we divide. 8 divided by 2 equals four. Next:
4/4 is equal to 1 because 4 divided by 4 is one. 4 goes into 4 once. Next, we have:
That's because 6/3 = 2.
Hope this helps!
Paralell is smae slope so it is
find c
evaluate to find the constant, c
the equation is 2x+3y=9
Your answer is going to be C