Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing to you to complain about the fridge freezer that I bought from your company in June. To endure it’s banging and crashing for too long now and I would like a replacement sent out. Please don’t try and fob me off with yet another engineers visit as I have seen two already, and whilst both claimed to have fixed the problem, neither has. I can’t afford to buy a new fridge freezer, and it’s still under warranty. I’ve been led to believe that your customer service was the best in the industry but from what I’ve experienced I have yet to see this be the case. I look forward to hearing from you by return
The Magna Carta expresses the idea of limited government by requiring the king to govern according to established rules of law. The Magna Carta states that the king cannot deprive the nobility of their rights. The nobility, in return, must support and obey the king and the laws.
A word with connotative meaning is a word that has more than one meaning as used in a sentence.
In "The child is not dead," Jonker writes the child grown to a man treks through all Africa." Some of the connotative meanings of treks are journeys and wanders.
To trek is to move some distance from one place to another