The options are not being given. However, we can place the $ sign in front of letter or number we make it constant across the rows or across the columns. By $B we mean, the column will remain same as B as we move across the rows down or up, and by $6 we mean the row will remain fixed to 6 as you move right or left of the cell where you place $6.
Thus, B$6 + C1,will change to below as you move down:
B$6 + C2
B$6 + C3
B$6 + C5
...... and so on.
and if we move left, it will become:
C$6 +D6
D$6 +E6
E$6 +F6
.........and so on.
Please keep an eye on the letter and number, the way they change in each condition, like if its B the next is C irrespective of columns where the next column starts.
The answer is self explanatory.
public void printAlphabets(char c){
String small = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
for(int i=0; i<capitals.length();i++){
if (capitals.charAt(i)!=c)
System.out.print(capitals.charAt(i)+" ");
}// end for
}else if (small.contains(""+c)){
for(int i=0; i<small.length();i++){
if (small.charAt(i)!=c)
System.out.print(small.charAt(i)+" ");
}// end for
}// end else if
}// end printAlphabets method
Deforestation affects rivers in these ways
1.There is a loss of habitat for wild animals
2. Destruction of land due to floods, mudslides,
3. Water cycle and Animal Cycle are disturbed
( ex. transpiration rate; beavers building dams)
4. Greater amount of Green House gases
Trauma Narrative
Given that Trauma narrative is a form of narrative or carefully designed strategy often used by psychologists to assists the survivors of trauma to understand the meaning or realization of their experiences. It is at the same time serves as a form of openness to recollections or memories considered to be painful.
Hence, A series of gentle often open-ended inquiries that allow the client to progressively examine the assumptions and interpretations he or she is made about the victimization experience is called TRAUMA NARRATIVE
Enable automatic publishing of a 60-second preview of the video in your feed.
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So, the following are the reason which describe that answer is correct according to the scenario.